Growth and Change by Jack Holme

2,200-pound, 10-foot tall sculpture made of three bent panels of steel depicting the tools of business, industry, and the household.

Art Detail

  • Title: Growth and Change
  • Artist: Jack Holme
  • Location: Jefferson Ave. and Ellsworth St.
  • Medium: Sculpture
  • Installation Date: 1997
  • Description: 2,200-pound, 10-foot tall sculpture made of three bent panels of steel depicting the tools of business, industry, and the household.
  • Plaque Text: Change and growth in Naperville is vividly depicted here in the tools of its households, businesses and industries. Each of the sculpture's three dominant pieces suggests an abstract implement. These smooth exteriors represent the diverse, sophisticated and computerized instruments of the 20th century while the interior challenges the observer to identify the manual laborious tools of our past.
  • Plaque Courtesy Of: MidAmerica Federal Savings Bank

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